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Grove Primary School

Nursery Admissions



About our Nursery

We have a morning nursery class and an afternoon nursery class.

Each nursery class has a limit of 26 pupils.

All places are for fifteen hours a week (3 hours per day), for 38 weeks a year.

Our nursery is led by a teacher with a nursery nurse. 

Parent Visits

We welcome visits from any parents and children considering applying for places at this school. You can normally expect to be given a guided tour of the school by one of the office staff who will be happy to answer any questions. During this visit you will receive any current information the school has to offer. Please telephone the school office for a visit and indicate at this time whether you would like a meeting with the Headteacher.

All parents and children who have already accepted a place will be required to sign our ‘Home School Agreement’ prior to admission.

 Admissions details

Please see our admissions policy for details of our admissions criteria.

Admission to our nursery does not guarantee admission to the main school, application for which must be made through the local authority.  Please see our main admissions page for details: Main School Admissions

The statutory right to appeal does not apply to admissions to nursery classes

How to apply

You may apply when your child turns 2 years old, for admission in the September after their 3rd birthday.  Further details are on the admissions form.

Please click below to download the Nursery Admissions Form and once completed bring it to the school office.

Nursery admission form