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Grove Primary School

Design and Technology

Our Intent 

 The design and technology curriculum will ensure that all pupils:
• Learn specialist skills through the use of tools, machines and equipment using a wide range of materials, foods and ingredients;
• Research, design, make and evaluate a range of products through an iterative process to solve real and relevant problems;
• With confidence and ability, apply their skills in everyday situations. They will be resilient in the face of failure and will experience a sense of pride and achievement when they succeed
• Are taught skills progressively to ensure that they can learn and practice to develop as they move through the school
• Develop their confidence and knowledge to be independent, creative problem-solvers
• Develop a wider cultural awareness about our past heritage and cultures and the heritage and cultures of others.
• Are provided with a range of opportunities for social interactions. This includes opportunities to work collaboratively and co-operatively in groups and take turns to share resources as well as developing the ability to compromise.



To read the full policy please click here:       Grove Primary DT Policy

Our Curriculum

dt curriculum overview 23 24 1 .pdf

Home Learning in Design & Technology

  • Take your child shopping and discuss the packaging and how it appeals or does not appeal to its target audience. Questions like: Do you like it? What on that package would make us want to buy it? 
  • Explore how a variety of things are made by taking them apart 
  • Help children make things! Design and technology is all about designing and making something so if you are a particularly good sewer, sew something with your children. If you have a woodworking skill, get your children involved in a project. 
  • Encourage the children to design something that could help them fix one of their own problems
  • Investigate some jobs that your children might want to work as in the future. Could they be a Civil Engineer? What does the job entail? How can they hone the skills they have now to prepare them for that future?

Useful Website Links: 


Idea Library




Sewing Projects Junk Modelling Ideas


Good Food Recipes