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Grove Primary School


Our Intent: 

The Modern Foreign Languages curriculum will ensure that all pupils: 

  • Use languages (French) to communicate in new and exciting ways while discovering the culture and customs of other countries. 
  • Can explore, through languages the history, music, food, dance and art, developing strong links across the curriculum.  
  • Confidence grows through the practice of oral and written communication in a multilingual society; 
  • Will recognise that learning another language is a valuable skill enabling communication with people from other places.  
  • Will instill confidence to communicate when abroad.

Please click here to view the full policy:      French Policy 

Our Curriculum

french overview 2024 25.pdf

To access the National Curriculum for Languages please click here:  Languages National Curriculum

Home Learning Ideas 

Click on the picture to go straight to the website.

Duolingo is a free language game and online learning tool that can be used on a computer/tablet/phone. It enables children to practice French at their own level for a short time each day. They can choose their own targets and learning time and there are lots of rewards.





French Games

This is completely interactive. Children choose a topic first from the beginner/primary list. They can then work through the graded lessons where the vocabulary is clearly presented (great for repetition) and practised. Next, they move on to the language learning games for further practice and can then choose from a range of assessment activities to assess their own learning. It is a brilliant website, but I found that there was the occasional technical problem. I presume this is because of the current volume of internet traffic.


Euro Club French Zone

Useful for learning about France and French culture as well as learning useful vocabulary, ideal for project work on France. There are resources on various cultural topics with linked worksheets and a sing-along section with a range of French songs.
Click on the picture to go straight to the website. A compilation of short clips (3 mins long) and a song for children learning French. Read the summary below each video first to find out what it is about. You can click on the bottom right of the video to display the text. The clips are taken from the BBC series ‘Virtually there France’. These would be useful for Year 5/6 but there are no activities to go with them
Class clips on different topics, some are songs, lots of cultural information. They are useful for all years especially for listening and pronunciation practice, but again there are no linked activities