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Grove Primary School


Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)

Our Inclusive Approach

Our guiding principle is one of Inclusion and we aim to provide Quality First Teaching for all our pupils. This includes appropriate differentiation for individual pupils, high quality resources and effective use of additional adult support. We aim to identify and break down possible barriers to learning so that all our pupils experience success. This does not mean treating all pupils equally; it means treating all pupils as individuals and ensuring they have the required provision to achieve the best possible progress.

What to do if you have concerns about your child’s progress

If parents have concerns relating to their child’s learning or inclusion then they should initially discuss these with their child’s teacher.
This then may result in a referral to the school’s Inclusion Leader Mrs Buckley, a member of the Senior Leadership Team, who can be contacted on
020 8590 3611 via the school office. 

Parents may also contact the Inclusion Leader directly if they feel this is more appropriate.

What the school does if they have concerns about a child’s progress

When a class teacher has concerns about the progress of a child they will raise this concern with the Inclusion leader. This process involves the class teacher identifying what the barriers to learning are and what provision is in place to overcome these barriers. Following this an observation of the pupil in class takes place and feedback is given to the class teacher. The child’s progress is then monitored and additional assessments may be undertaken to identify further support needed.  Should the outcome indicate that the child has special educational needs, which call for additional provision to be made for them,  then the parents will be invited to a meeting to discuss this.

How we support pupils with SEND

We support pupils in a variety of ways, including but not limited to:

  • Quality first teaching which ensures barriers to learning are overcome.
  • Access to additional resources to support learning.
  • Personalised targets, set and reviewed termly in conjunction with the parent(s) and child.
  • Access to planned, time bound, interventions either delivered 1:1 or in small groups.
  • Reasonable adjustments for those with disabilities.
  • Liaison with specialist outreach services e.g. Child Development Centre, Speech Therapy, Educational Psychologist.
  • Individual programs of study for pupils with Education, Health and Care plans, where they are required.

Action relating to SEN support will follow an 'assess, plan, do and review' model.

Contact Details

Inclusion Leader: Mrs Buckley

Contact: 020 8590 3611


Further Information

Redbridge Families Information Direct (FiND) is a 'one stop' information and advice service for families and people who work with families. Here you can access Redbridge’s Local SEND offer.  Click here to access it.