Our Governors
Chair of Governors (ID 1135)
Mr David Backhouse MBEChair of Governors, Co-opted Governor
Mr David Backhouse MBE
Governors (ID 1108)
Rev. Martin CourtVice Chair
Rev. Martin Court
Ms Beverley KomorowskaHeadteacher Governor
Ms Beverley Komorowska
Mr Stephen CraneCo-opted Governor
Mr Stephen Crane
Ms Maria ChongCo-opted Governor
Ms Maria Chong
Mr David PeynadoStaff Governor
Mr David Peynado
Ms Nazmin YeahiaParent Governor
Ms Nazmin Yeahia
Arakoth ChowdhuryParent Governor
Arakoth Chowdhury
Mrs Ammna HusseinCo-opted Governor
Mrs Ammna Hussein
Janet JamesGovernors' Clerk, LA Governor
Janet James
The Governing Body is in the process of filling the vacancy for 1 Co-opted Governor
School Governors
Governors perform one of the most important voluntary roles in schools and are people from different parts of the community, such as parents, staff, the Local Authority, the community and other groups, who want to make a difference in children's education. This helps ensure that the governing body has sufficient diversity of views and experience but does not mean that governors of a particular category "represent" that group on the governing body. For example, parent governors do not act as a representative of the parents at the school and do not report back to them.
One of the core features of an effective governing board is the importance of having the right people with the necessary skills, time and commitment, and sufficient diversity of perspectives to ensure an internal challenge, all actively contributing in line with clearly defined roles and responsibilities under an explicit code of conduct.
Role of a School Governor
School governing boards work as a team to provide strategic leadership. They work together to ensure high standards of achievement for all children and young people in the school.
Governing boards are accountable to parents, the local community and the Local Authority or the Trustees. Appointments are for three or usually for four years. The governing board's main role is to help raise pupils' standards of achievement.
Each individual governor is a member of a governing board, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing board; decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing board.
The role of the governing board is a strategic one, the three core functions of a school governing board are to:
- Set a vision for a school
- Be accountable for school performance and the safety of pupils
- Provide financial probity to ensure that resources are well spent
Link Governors
Link governors are appointed by the governing body to understand, oversee, monitor and report on specific aspects of the School Improvement Plan. Link governors enrich the whole governing body's understanding of their particular area and contribute to informed decision making.
We also consider that link governors help the governing body to develop positive links with staff and create a visible and professional profile within the school.
There are additional link governors who have specific roles in supporting the governing body to fulfil its statutory responsibilities in areas such as Child Protection, Special Educational Needs, Looked After Children and Health & Safety.
How to become a Governor
If you are interested in finding out more or would like to become a school Governor please email: admin.groveprimary@redbridge.gov.uk