Year 2 - Spring Term
Geography: Coastline |
In the Coastline project, your child will use maps to learn about the location of the world’s seas and oceans and keys to learn about map symbols. They will also find out about the directions on a compass. They will learn about the human and physical features of a coastline, including the effects of erosion and how to stay safe when visiting the coast. They will have the opportunity to learn about the work of the RNLI, what happened to the SS Rohilla and about the coastal town of Whitby, including how Captain Cook is linked to the town. They will research the tourism industry and consider what features make a place a successful tourist destination. |
English: Reading
English: Writing
Skills: Please refer to the National Curriculum for Year 2 Text Types:
Maths |
Science: Uses of Material & Plant Survival
Uses of Material: In this project, your children will learn the names and uses of everyday materials. They will find that materials can be shaped in different ways to make them more useful. They will test how different materials can be shaped and whether they will return to their original shape. They will learn that the properties of materials mean they can be used in different ways and that objects are made from materials that have suitable properties for their purpose. Plant Survival: In this project, your child will learn the names of the different parts of a plant and how they grow. They observe how the seasonal changes affect how plants grow. They will learn how new plants can grow from seeds and bulbs and what they need to germinate. They will use their observational skills to find out where plants like to grow and investigate what plants need to grow and stay healthy. Your child will then use their research skills to find out about some unusual plants. |
Art: Flower Head |
This project teaches children about the visual elements of flowers, including shape, texture, colour, pattern and form. They also explore various artistic methods, including drawing, printmaking and 3-D forms, using paper and clay. |
Design & Technology: Beach Hut |
This project teaches children about making and strengthening structures, including different ways of joining materials. |
Music - Charanga |
Project: I Wanna Play in a Band |
Grouping Data: Learners will begin to understand what the term data means and how data can be collected in the form of a tally chart. They will learn the term ‘attribute’ and use this to help them organise data. They will then progress onto presenting data in the form of pictograms and finally block diagrams. Learners will use the data presented to answer questions. Robot Alogrithms: This unit develops pupils’ understanding of instructions in sequences and the use of logical reasoning to predict outcomes. Pupils will use given commands in different orders to investigate how the order affects the outcome. Pupils will also learn about design in programming. They will develop artwork and test it for use in a program. They will design algorithms and then test those algorithms as programs and debug them. |
RE |
Unit 1.8 Who is Muslim and what do they believe?
Unit 1.1 What do Christians do at Easter and why is it important? |