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Grove Primary School

Year 2 - Summer Term

History: Magnificent Monarchs

In the Magnificent Monarchs project, your child will learn about English and British monarchs from AD 871 to the present day and consider how the power of the monarchy has changed over time. They will study six significant sovereigns; Alfred the Great, William the Conqueror, Henry VIII, Elizabeth I, Queen Victoria and Elizabeth II. Finally, they will choose which of the sovereigns that they have studied is the most significant.

English: Reading

Summer 1 Summer 2

English: Writing


Skills: Please refer to the Year 2 National Curriculum


Text Types:

  • Non-chronological Report
  • Persuasive Letter
  • Diary Entry
  • Retell
  • Character Description
  • Rhyming Poems




Animal Survival



In the Animal Survival project, your child will revisit prior learning about habitats. They will learn about invertebrates and their characteristics. They will learn about microhabitats and go outside to identify and observe living things in various microhabitats. They will identify and research what an observed animal needs to survive and will construct simple food chains, learning the terms ‘producer’ and ‘consumer.' They will explore how humans can harm and help animals’ habitats and visit the school grounds to look at ways habitats are already being supported and potential improvements. Children will learn about the offspring of different animal groups, matching parents to their offspring. They will order the stages in animals’ life cycles and investigate the life cycle of an insect, observing it over time. They will revisit learning about the four seasons and explore how animals’ behaviour changes across the seasons and how this links to their life cycles. Children will plan and make habitat improvements within the school grounds, evaluating the success of their habitat improvements by collecting firsthand data.


Portraits & Poses


This project teaches children about portraiture. They analyse the portraits of Tudor monarchs and compare Tudor portraits and selfies today. They use photo editing software to create royal portraits.

Design & Technology:

Cut, Stitch & Join



This project teaches children about fabric home products and the significant British brand Cath Kidston. They learn about sewing patterns and using a running stitch and embellishments before making a sewn bag tag.

Music - Charanga

Project: Friendship Song

Knowledge Organiser Y2 Summer




Programming Quizzes: This unit initially recaps on learning from the Year 1 ScratchJr unit ‘Programming B – Programming animations’. Learners begin to understand that sequences of commands have an outcome, and make predictions based on their learning. They use and modify designs to create their own quiz questions in ScratchJr, and realise these designs in ScratchJr using blocks of code. Finally, learners evaluate their work and make improvements to their programming projects.

Making Music: In this unit, learners will be using a computer to create music. They will listen to a variety of pieces of music and consider how music can make them think and feel. Learners will compare creating music digitally and non-digitally. Learners will look at patterns and purposefully create music.



Living & Working In Our World Petty Arson & Texting Whilst Driving





Gymnastics Dance
Sports Day Tennis


Unit 1. 8 Who is Muslim and what do they believe?


Unit 1.5 In What ways is a mosque important to believers?