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Grove Primary School

Year 6 - Spring Term


Frozen Kingdoms


In the Frozen Kingdoms project, your child will learn about the regions of the Arctic and Antarctic. They will learn about the similarities and differences between these two regions, including the climate, landscape and natural resources. They will learn how to use grid references, lines of latitude and longitude, contour lines and symbols to identify the geographical locations of the Arctic and Antarctic, and how these, along with the tilt of the Earth, affect day length and warmth. They will investigate polar oceans to learn how they differ from other oceans on Earth and how climate change increases Earth's temperature and leads to rising sea levels. They will learn about the indigenous people of the Arctic, including how their lives have changed over time, and about the positives and negatives of tourism in Antarctica. They will also learn about classifying animals, animal adaptations and evolution, and polar exploration and discovery.

English: Reading


English: Writing

Skills: See National Curriculum for Year 6

 Text Types:

  1. Retell with suspense
  2. Non-chronological report
  3. Free writing
  4. Formal Letter
  5. Informal Letter



Science: Electrical Circuits

In the Electrical Circuits and Components project, your child will consolidate their understanding of the components that make up a circuit, such as a lamp, cell, wire and switch. They will make a range of circuits and use symbols to draw circuit diagrams. Your child will learn about electric currents and measure the voltage of different cells. They will discover how cells produce electricity and research questions about cells and batteries. Your child will also learn how the voltage across a circuit affects the performance of different components. They will explore how programmable devices are used in everyday life and create a program to switch a light on and off via a light sensor. They will use the knowledge gained throughout the project to design, make and evaluate a programmable home device.

Art: Inuit


This project teaches children about the Inuit way of life, including some of their cultural and artistic traditions.

Design & Technology: Engineer


This project teaches children about remarkable engineers and significant bridges, learning to identify features, such as beams, arches and trusses. They complete a bridge-building engineering challenge to create a bridge prototype.

Music - Charanga

Project: You've Got a Friend

Y6 Spring Term Knowledge Organiser




Data & Information: This unit introduces the learners to spreadsheets. They will be supported in organising data into columns and rows to create their own data set. Learners will be taught the importance of formatting data to support calculations, while also being introduced to formulas and will begin to understand how they can be used to produce calculated data. Learners will be taught how to apply formulas that include a range of cells, and apply formulas to multiple cells by duplicating them. Learners will use spreadsheets to plan an event and answer questions. Finally, learners will create graphs and charts, and evaluate their results in comparison to questions asked.

Creating Media: This unit introduces learners to the creation of websites for a chosen purpose. Learners identify what makes a good web page and use this information to design and evaluate their own website using Google Sites. Throughout the process learners pay specific attention to copyright and fair use of media, the aesthetics of the site, and navigation paths.


In App Purchases


Unit 2.14 What do religions say when life gets hard? 


Unit 2.15 Why do people make vows and commitments to one another?





Netball & Basketball Gymnastics
Hockey Dance


In this unit pupils will learn:

  • How to make statements about a town
  • To use the correct tense
  • To select appropriate adjectives
  • To use prepositions.