Main School Admissions
This page is about admission to school for children joining our Reception in September or any child joining Reception through to Year 6 during the year.
For information about Nursery admissions please click this link: Nursery Admissions
Parent Visits
We welcome visits from any parents and children considering applying for places at this school. You can normally expect to be given a guided tour of the school by one of the office staff who will be happy to answer any questions. During this visit you will receive any current information the school has to offer. Please telephone the school office for a visit and indicate at this time whether you would like a meeting with the Headteacher.
All parents and children who have already accepted a place will be required to sign our ‘Home School Agreement’ prior to admission.
Admission Arrangements
The school admits pupils according to the Admissions Policy of the London Borough of Redbridge. Parents of children entering the nursery or reception during the main time of September can expect a parents' meeting and open days where parents can visit the school with their children.
The reception children will also be able to make a series of visits prior to admission, which is then staggered over several weeks.
Please be aware that admission to the nursery does not guarantee a place in Reception, parents need to apply for a Reception place through the Local Authority at the given time.
School Admissions are made via the Redbridge Council website
Admission to year groups Reception – Year 6
Applications for year groups Reception – 6 must be made through the Local Authority. Applications will be considered in accordance with the criteria that apply to all primary admissions.
Once your child has been allocated a place and you have told us you are accepting that place, the Headteacher will allocate a class and a start date for your child.
Appeals against Admissions Decisions
The Education Act 1996 allows parents to appeal against any decision made by or on behalf of Redbridge Education Authority about the school at which education is to be provided for a child.
Every effort will be made to meet parental preferences and no appeal to an appeal committee may be lodged before the Authority has made a firm decision. Parents will, where the decision is not in accordance with their preferences informed of the date by which they must lodge their appeal.
The Authority will implement the decisions of the appeals committees. Places will continue to be filled from the waiting lists, whether or not parents have appealed, in accordance with the admissions policy.
Admission of Pupils with Special Educational Needs (SEN)
We are an inclusive school. When children are admitted to school, we will meet with the parents/ carers to ensure we are as fully informed as possible about any special educational needs.
We also request the child’s academic records from the previous school, if any. Provision for children with special educational needs is made in accordance with our special educational needs policy and accessibility plan.
For a child with a statement, the special educational provision required to meet the child’s needs is specified in the statement. In order to ensure successful inclusion we aim for provision to be in place at the point of admission.
In accordance with the Disability Discrimination Act, we will take all reasonable steps to prevent disabled pupils from being treated less favourably than other pupils.
Eg a fair and equitable admissions process
- An inclusive curriculum
- Individual assessments of pupil's needs and reasonable steps are taken to provide for these needs
- Facilities to assist access for pupils with disabilities:
- Hygiene room
- Disabled toilets
- Wheelchair access
- Considerations for Visual Impairment During Redecoration
- Specialist ICT equipment
- Laptops for named pupils
- Consider wheelchair access to all classrooms
- Provide ongoing training for staff
- Monitor written information to ensure its accessibility
Admission Documents
- For details of Nursery admissions and a Nursery Application Form please visit our Nursery Admissions page
- For details of admission to Reception in the September before your child turns 5 OR admissions during the school year in Reception to Year 6, please see information above.
- London Borough of Redbridge administers all admissions from Reception to Year 6 on behalf of Grove Primary School.
- To make an application please visit